THE IMPROVEMENT CYCLE (PDCA CYCLE)One of the basic need of TQM is continuous improvement. In today’s environment if you did not improve your competitor will and in addition it will take away your market share. This has been the case with European Electrical and Electronic companies and American Automobile manufacturers who have seen Japanese competitors eating into their market share. The planning process helps to identify areas for improvement. It along with process management and employee suggestions helps to identify areas for improvement to continuously improve our processes, products and services. An ideal tool is the well known PDCA cycle. This is also called the Deming Cycle as it was developed and promoted by the American Quality Guru Edward Deming. The essential elements of PDCA cycle are :- I. PLAN :A. Select the Theme or Project
B. Grasp the Current Status C. Analyze the Cause and Determine the Corrective Action
II. DO :A. Implement the Corrective Action
III. CHECK :A. Check the Effect of Corrective Action
IV. ACT :A. Check Appropriate Action:
B. Decide On Future Plans The well known seven Quality Control tools may be used in this process. PLAN STAGE:SELECT THE THEME OR PROJECT:This step is carried out through the following sub-steps:
The theme of the project may be selected based on department objectives, customer complaints, IER or Safety Audit findings, themes identified during management review or may be the continuation of a previous project. In this stage a measurable, qualitative or quantitative target along with the time frame for implementation shall be set. These targets shall be reasonable, realistic and verification data shall be easily obtainable. In this step, the tentative schedule of activities along with the time frame and the persons responsible for each activity shall be made. The outcome of this step shall be a tentative GANTT Chart. GRASP THE CURRENT STATUS:The objective of this step is to understand a problem thoroughly with additional data if required. This step may involve carrying out pilot studies, collecting data which is required but not available or carrying out analyses which have not been carried out earlier. Appropriate QC tools such as Process Flow Charts, Pareto Charts, Control Charts, Process capability indices etc., may be used. ANALYZE THE CAUSE AND DETERMINE THE CORRECTIVE AND/ OR PREVENTIVE ACTION:The objective of this step is to find out the root cause of the problem or analyze trends and determine the appropriate corrective and / or prevention action. This step has the following sub-steps:
Identify the causes by brainstorming, list them and prepare a cause and effect diagram showing the relationship of the causes with the effect. Prepare a hypothesis of the most likely causes and verify them through experiments , collection of data, from available data, etc. Use appropriate tools such as Check Sheets, Pareto analysis, graphs, scatter diagram, etc. Based on the analysis carried out in the previous step determine the appropriate corrective and preventive action and document it so that it can be understood by all team members. DO STAGE:IMPLEMENT THE CORRECTIVE AND / OR PREVENTIVE ACTION:In this step the plan developed in the previous step is implemented. As appropriate, instruction and flow charts shall be prepared for difficult procedures, adequate training shall be given to persons involved in implementation, data as appropriate shall be collected and records maintained. QC tools such as Checklists, Check sheets, control charts etc shall be used as appropriate in this step. The implementation of the plan shall be monitored by the persons responsible (respective HODs, Project team, GM or PM) CHECK STAGE:CHECK THE EFFECTIVENESS OF THE CORRECTIVE AND / OR PREVENTIVE ACTION:The objective of this step is to check the effectiveness of an action taken by comparing the results achieved with the previous results. The results obtained during the DO STAGE are compared with the results prior to implementation of the corrective and/or preventive action. Appropriate tools such as Bar graphs, paired pareto diagrams, Control Charts, Histograms, process capability indices etc., may be used. Two possible results may be obtained by such comparison.
The causes of failure are reviewed. If the failure is due to improper implementation, go back to the Do Stage, otherwise go back to the Plan Stage. If the overall results achieved are equal to or better than the target set in the Plan Stage, we may review to see that there are no adverse side effects due to the improvement such as increase in other categories of failure. ACT STAGE:TAKE APPROPRIATE FOLLOW UP ACTIONThe objective of this step is to ensure that the improved level of performance is maintained. In this step the revised operating procedure or standards are documented and incorporated into the regular departmental documentation. As appropriate these may also be conveyed to all departments concerned. Apart from this, necessary training in the new methods shall be imparted to employees concerned. |