Tree Diagram


The purpose of the tree diagram is to explore ways and means to achieve an objective, develop a list of alternate means to reach the desired situation in a sequential order and to present them in a visual form.


This tool like other tools in the ‘new seven’ is a group tool. A brainstorming session is necessary to collect a large number of ideas for the means to achieve the objective. The rules of brainstorming should be observed to get the best results from the tool. The steps in the procedure to develop a tree diagram are :

  1. Identify a high priority problem that needs to be solved at the earliest. Prepare an objective statement describing the desired situation or the target solution.
  2. Decide the appropriate form of the diagram - cascade or tree as well as direction of flow after a brief discussion. Place the target solution in the dark rectangle.
  3. Brainstorm to identify the primary means to achieve the objective. Arrange them in an appropriate order keeping in mind the likely interrelations between them and place them in rectangles at the first level.
  4. For each of the primary means, identify secondary means which would be necessary to attain those means. Arrange them in next level boxes.
  5. Identify tertiary means required to attain each of the secondary means and place them in a proper order in the next level boxes.
  6. Continue the process till the group feels that the end of the line has been reached.
  7. If a lower level means is required to attain two higher level means, it may be connected to both. Rearrange the boxes if necessary to make this possible. Use of POST-IT pads can make such a rearrangement simple
  8. Brainstorm to reach a consensus on the relative importance of the last level means to priorities action.
  9. Give a suitable title to the diagram.


The most important application of the tree diagram is for devising solutions for problems. It helps one to develop a systematic step by step strategy to achieve an objective. It is also useful in monitoring the implementation of solutions by taking care of accomplishment of means at different levels.

